Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

tugas bahasa inggris

2. Combine these pairs of sentences, using which

EXAMPLE :    That is the garage.
                        In that garage the new car is kept
                        = That is the garage in which the new car is kept

  1. Economics is a science.
In that science everything must be studied in an objective way.
= Economics is a science in which everything must be studied in an objective way.        

  1. The USSR has a system.
In that system central planning is very important.
= The USSR has a system in which central planning is very important.

  1. The USA has an economy.
In that economy government planning is limited to quite a small area.
= The USA has an economy in which government planning is limited to quite a small area.

  1. Marxims propose a special economic system.
In that system collective needs are more important than individual needs
= Marxims propose a special economic system in which collective needs are more important than individual needs.

  1. The british have a certain way of life
In that way of life private enterprise and private ownership of property are very important
=  The british have a certain way of life in which private enterprise and private ownership of property are very important

  1. The Americans and the british have separate ideologies.
In these ideologies there are many similar point.
= The Americans and the british have separate ideologies in which are many similar point


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